Misc. Teachings

Am I My Brother's Keeper?
Invite Rabbi Ron to share a powerful message that will inspire and challenge people to be their brother's keeper. Through poignant stories and impactful visuals, Rabbi Ron will highlight the importance of standing up for others in times of need, drawing lessons from the darkest moments of history, such as the Holocaust, where ordinary people made extraordinary choices to protect their fellow human beings. By exploring everyday opportunities to serve as our brother's keeper, Rabbi Ron will motivate and empower your audience to make a difference in the lives of those around them.

I Wanna Be a Matzah Man
​Get ready to rise to the challenge of a more meaningful Passover! Invite Rabbi Ron to share "I Wanna Be a Matzah Man," a fun and inspiring presentation that explores the biblical symbolism of removing leaven and the transformative power of removing sin and temptation from our lives. Through engaging stories, striking images, and a dash of humor, discover the joy of embracing a "matzah mindset" and living a life of greater purpose and purity.

Resistance is Not Futile (Chanukah)
Celebrate the courage and conviction of the Maccabees with Rabbi Ron's inspiring Chanukah presentation, "Resistance is not futile." Discover how, despite King Antiochus' formidable army and demands to abandon their faith, many brave Jewish people refused to surrender, trusting in God's power and protection. Through this uplifting message, Rabbi Ron will highlight the timeless lessons of Chanukah, demonstrating that even in the face of overwhelming opposition, resistance to tyranny and devotion to one's faith is never futile. Invite Rabbi Ron to share this empowering story with your community!

A Great Miracle Happened There (Chanukah)
Celebrate the spirit of miracles and divine intervention with Rabbi Ron's inspiring Chanukah presentation, "A Great Miracle Happened There!" As you explore the connections between the miraculous events of Chanukah in Jerusalem and the miraculous, virgin birth of Yeshua in Bethlehem, you'll discover a profound truth: God is a God of miracles who desires to intervene in your life, meeting needs that seem impossible to fulfill. Invite Rabbi Ron to share this uplifting message, and be encouraged to trust in God's presence and power in your own life!

Dedicate Your Temple (Chanukah)
Experience the powerful connection between the ancient Maccabees' rededication of the Temple and your own spiritual journey with Rabbi Ron's inspiring Chanukah presentation, "Dedicate Your Temple." As you explore the Maccabees' courageous efforts to reclaim and purify the Temple, you'll discover a profound parallel: just as the Temple was rededicated to God's worship, your body is now a temple where God's Spirit resides, through your faith in Yeshua. Invite Rabbi Ron to share this uplifting message, and be inspired to dedicate your own "temple" to God's glory!

Beer or Jesus? (Ron's Testimony)
Join Rabbi Ron on a captivating journey of self-discovery and spiritual exploration. With humor and vulnerability, Ron shares his personal story of encountering joy at a Midnight Mass as a teenager, and the unexpected question that sparked his quest for truth: "Was it the beer or Jesus?" Through his inspiring testimony, Ron invites you to reflect on your own spiritual journey and the universal search for meaning and joy. Invite Rabbi Ron to share his story with your community, and be inspired by his authentic and heartfelt account of faith and discovery!

Luck or Lord? (Purim)
Haman cast lots to pick a date to exterminate the Jewish people. This date was 12 months later. Two months later a series of events occurred within 3 days which brought about Haman’s hanging instead of the destruction of the Jewish people. The timing of all this was amazing. Was it simply coincidence, chance, luck, or was it the Lord?

Pit to the Palace (Purim)
Esther and Mordecai were exiled in the land of Babylon. In time God raised Esther up to become the Queen of the powerful Persian Empire. God took Joseph out of the pit and brought him to the Palace (2nd only to the King). Yeshua rose from the pit (grave) since He is the King of Kings. God will also take you out of your pit and bring you to the “Palace;” you will ultimately you co-reign with Yeshua.

Burn Your Boats
When God called Elisha to replace Elijah, Elisha burned his farming equipment so he couldn’t go back to farming if God failed him or things got too hard. Are you holding on to something in case God fails you? Invite Rabbi Ron to Speak and challenge people to burn their boats so they can’t run away from God.

Learn how to Paga or Pray
The Hebrew word paga which is translated as prayer can also be translated in different ways. Invite Rabbi Ron to Speak about prayer and reveal insights into the Hebrew word paga so you can learn more about how to pray.

Holy Harlot
God tells us, “Be holy as I am holy.” In the Bible we meet a holy harlot, and holy spoons, shovels and clothing. Invite Rabbi Ron to Speak about the Hebrew word Kodesh which is translated holy so people can holy as God is holy.

Jerusalem: The Eternal Capital of the Jewish People
World leaders debate the status of Jerusalem. But should Jerusalem’s fate be determined by politicians? Isn’t God the King of all the earth? God speaks very clearly about Jerusalem in the Bible. Invite Rabbi Ron to Speak about Jerusalem.