Israel Teachings

Treasures of Jerusalem
Bring the ancient city to life in your community! Invite Rabbi Ron to serve as your tour guide and share "Treasures of Jerusalem," a captivating visual journey through the sacred sites and iconic landmarks of Jerusalem. Through stunning slides and expert insights, discover the hidden gems and timeless treasures of this eternal city, God’s home on earth, and experience the spirit of Jerusalem from wherever you are

The Bible: A Treasure of Great Value
Uncover the richness and significance of the Bible in a whole new way! Invite Rabbi Ron to share "The Bible: A Treasure of Great Value," an inspiring and visually stunning presentation that reveals the profound impact and enduring value of Scripture. Through captivating stories and striking images, discover the transformative power and timeless treasures of the Bible, and be inspired to cherish it anew.

Israel and the End Times
In the End Times we will witness the physical and spiritual restoration of Israel. Nations will also gather to attack Jerusalem. How close are we to the End Times? If you are looking forward to Yeshua’s (Jesus’) return, keep your eyes on Israel.

Should Christians stand with Israel?
Are the people of Israel still the Chosen People? Is Israel still the apple of God’s eye? Is the land of Israel still the inheritance of the Jewish people? Will God still bless people who bless Israel, and curse those who curse Israel? Does the Lord change His mind or break His promises? Should Christians stand with Israel?

Have you met the Jewish Jesus?
Yeshua and His first disciples called themselves Jews and were recognized as Jews by other people. Yeshua did not establish a new religion and Christianity didn’t emerge as a separate religion until centuries after Yeshua’s death. Faith in Yeshua was born in Jewish soil so Rabbi Ron unearths the Jewish roots of our faith in Yeshua. Come and meet the Jewish Jesus.

Messianic Prophecy Puzzle
Paul told the Romans that they (non-Jewish disciples) should make Jewish people envious of their relationship with God. He also said that we will experience greater blessings when Jewish people accept God’s offer of salvation in Yeshua. Rabbi Ron offers insight into Jewish teaching about the Messiah and God, and how to share the Good News with Jewish people.
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