The Feasts

Am I My Brother's Keeper?
Invite Rabbi Ron to share a powerful message that will inspire and challenge people to be their brother's keeper. Through poignant stories and impactful visuals, Rabbi Ron will highlight the
importance of standing up for others in times of need, drawing lessons from the darkest moments of history, such as the Holocaust, where ordinary people made extraordinary choices to protect their fellow human beings. By exploring everyday opportunities to serve as our
brother's keeper, Rabbi Ron will motivate and empower your audience to make a difference in the lives of those around them.

Messiah’s Last (Passover Seder) Supper
Experience the depth and richness of the Passover tradition as Rabbi Ron guides you through a Messianic Jewish Passover Seder. This presentation recreates the ancient celebration Jesus shared with His disciples, revealing the powerful connections between the Exodus, the Last
Supper, and the ultimate redemption through Jesus' death and resurrection. By participating in this Seder, you and your community will gain a profound appreciation for the Jewish roots of
Christianity and the eternal significance of Passover. Invite Rabbi Ron to share this
unforgettable experience with your group.

I Wanna Be a Matzah Man
Get ready to rise to the challenge of a more meaningful Passover! Invite Rabbi Ron to share "I Wanna Be a Matzah Man," a fun and inspiring presentation that explores the biblical symbolism of removing leaven and the transformative power of removing sin and temptation from our lives. Through engaging stories, striking images, and a dash of humor, discover the joy of embracing a "matzah mindset" and living a life of greater purpose and purity.

Married at Mt. Sinai
At Mt. Sinai God entered a covenant of marriage with the people of Israel, and people from other nations who left Egypt with them. The ancient Jewish wedding is a two-part wedding and our wedding to Yeshua is the same. Are you betrothed to Yeshua, and getting ready for His return so you can go to our Wedding Feast?

Law and Spirit
When God gave His Spirit to His disciples (while in the Upper Room) He did not abolish His laws or instructions for living and replace them with His Spirit. God gave both His law and His Spirit on the very same day (on the feast of Shavuot or Pentecost) because they work together in our lives. Rabbi Ron speaks about the relationship between God’s laws and His Spirit.

Ready or Not
The people of Israel have always blown the shofar to gather people together for different reasons. In the future, we will hear a shofar blast when Yeshua returns to get His bride. We need to be ready for this day so we don’t find the doors to our Wedding Banquet closed and locked. Ready or not, Yeshua is coming soon!

Is Jesus Your Scapegoat?
During Yom Kippur (the Day of Atonement) the High Priest would lay his hands on the head of a goat to transfer the sins of the people onto the goat. The people no longer had any sin so did not need to die. But the scapegoat was filled with sin and needed to die. Yeshua is our scapegoat. Have you had your sins transferred to Him so you won’t need to die?

Sukkah Vision
Spending time in a sukkah (booth) allows you to see things in a new way. When Israel lived in a sukkah during their 40 years in the wilderness they needed to depend upon God for protection and provision. The were also pilgrims, passing through the wilderness, on their way home (to the Promised Land). Rabbi Ron speaks about Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles) and shares these three lessons we need to learn from Israel’s time in the wilderness.

Resistance is Not Futile
In the Chanukkah story we learn that King Antiochus invaded Israel and told the people they needed to give up their culture and religion, and replace it with his. Even though he had a powerful army, many people realized that since God was on their side, resistance was not futile so fought for their freedom. There are people today, who try to force others to assimilate and forsake their faith in Yeshua. Rabbi Ron shares examples from the Bible about how people resisted their enemies and did not abandon their faith.

Dedicate Your Temple
When the people of Israel regained control of the Temple, they needed to clean it up and rededicate everything to worship God. People who belong to Yeshua are now temples where God’s Spirit lives. Rabbi Ron speaks about Chanukah and shares what we can do to rededicate our temples (lives) to God.

A Great Miracle Happened There
During Chanukah people declare, a great miracle happened there in Jerusalem. During Christmas, people declare, a great miracle happened there in Bethlehem. God does miracles to intervene in our lives when we have a need we cannot meet. In this teaching, Rabbi Ron encourages people that God desires to be present in their lives and intervene when we have needs we cannot meet.